St Mary, Magdalene, Melchbourne, Bedfordshire
G M Holdich 1858
Restored with minor alterations by Robert Shaftoe 2006
Open Diapason - 8' C - F# open wood
Stopt Bass - 8'
Clarabella - 8'
Principal - 4'
Flute - 4' (stopped wood, narrow scale, pierced stoppers, top octave of open pipes)
Fifteenth - 2' (new by Robert Shaftoe)
Bourdon - 16' C - c 13 notes
Manual C - f''' 54 notes
Pedal C - b 24 notes (was 18 then 30)
manual permanently coupled to pedals
three composition pedals
Hand and electric blowing
A 10" x 8" colour photograph or high resolution image is available from the original. Please contact us for further details