The Abbey Church of St Mary and St Botolph, Thorney, Cambridgeshire.
Joseph Robson & Son ca. 1840
Bryceson & Son 1858
Hill & Son 1888
Open Diapason - 8
Stopped Diapason - 8
Keraulophon - 8
Principal - 4
Wald Flute - 4
Fifteenth - 2
Sesquialtra - II rks
Cremona - 8 from ten. g
Bourdon Bass - 16
Bourdon Treble - 16
Open Diapason - 8
Violin Diapason - 8
Voix Celeste - 8 from ten. c
Principal - 4
Mixture - II rks
Cornopean - 8
Oboe - 8 from ten. c
Clarion - 4
Open Diapason - 16
Swell octave
Swell suboctave
Swell to Great
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Manual: C - f 54 notes
Pedal: C - f 30 notes
3 combination levers to Great
3 combination levers to Swell
lever swell pedal
mechanical key and stop action
electric blowing

A 10" x 8" colour photograph or high resolution image is available from the original. Please contact us for further details