St Peter's Parish Church, Oakford, Devon
J R Mortimer, Tiverton, 1861
Hele & Co, 1905, conservative rebuild
Hele & Co, 1972 and 2006
Double Diapason - 16 from d# ', stopped
Open Diapason - 8
Stop Diapason Bass - 8 C - B
Claribel - 8 from c
Gamba - 8 from c spotted metal
Principal - 4
Flute - 4 from c
Twelfth - 2 23
Fifteenth - 2
Mixture - II rks C - b 17.19; c ' - f ''' 8.12
(all stops from c with stopped bass from C - B)
Open Diapason - 8
Stopped Diapason - 8
Principal - 4
Mixture - II rks 12.15.
Trumpet - 8
Oboe - 8
Open Diapason - 16
Bourdon - 16 (Great Double Diapason continues this on manual)
Swell to Great
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
manual: C - f ''' 54 notes
pedal: C - d ' 27 notes (pedal couplers and pedalboard extend to 30 notes) radiating and concave)
mechanical key and stop action
balanced swellpedal
2 combination levers to Great
electric and hand blowing
A 10" x 8" colour photograph or high resolution image is available from the original. Please contact us for further details