Parish Church of St Nicholas, Witham, Essex
Kenneth Tickell & Co., Northampton, 2002
Open Diapason - 8'
Stopped Diapason - 8'
Principal - 4'
Spitz Flute - 4'
Fifteenth - 2'
Mixture - IV rks
Trumpet - 8'
Gedackt - 8'
Salicional - 8'
Principal - 4'
Chimney Flute - 4'
Gemshorn - 2'
Sesquialtera - II'
Hautboy - 8'
Tremulant to both manuals
Sub Bass - 16'
Flute - 8'
Fagot - 16'
Swell to Great
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
manual: C - g ''' 56 notes
pedal: C - f ' 30 notes radiating & concave
5 thumb pistons to each manual
5 toe levers to Pedals
5 general toe levers
reversible thumb and toe pistons to all couplers
balanced swell pedal; swellbox has shutters opening west and east
electric blowing
A 10" x 8" colour photograph or high resolution image is available from the original. Please contact us for further details