St. George, King's Stanley, Gloucestershire
Thomas Liddiatt, Leonard Stanley, Gloucestershire 1876
Liddiatt, 1895, enlarged
Osmond, Taunton, undated
Percy Daniel, 1984, overhauled
E.A. Cawston, 1989, case restored

Case said to have been designed by the Rev'd John Gibson, Rector of King's Stanley from 1842 to 1857. It was made by Liddiatt
Open Diapason - 8'
Stop'd Diapason - 8'
Clarabella - 8' c ' - g '''
Viol di Gamba - 8' bass from Open Diapason
Dulciana - 8'
Principal - 4'
Flute - 4'
Twelfth - 2 23'
Fifteenth - 2'
Mixture - IV
Cremona - 8''
Bourdon - 16'
Horn Diapason - 8' c - g ''' bass from Lieblich Gedact
Lieblich Gedact - 8'
Salicional - 8' c - g ''' bass from Lieblich Gedact
Harmonic Flute - 4'
Piccolo - 2'
Hautboy - 8'
Bourdon - 16'
Pedal Octave - 8' from Bourdon
Swell to Great
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
manual: C - g ''' 56 notes
pedal: C - f ' 30 notes
3 combination pedals to Great
2 combination pedals to Swell
balanced swell pedal
mechanical action to manuals and stops
tubular pneumatic action to pedals
electric blowing
A 10" x 8" colour photograph or high resolution image is available from the original. Please contact us for further details