St. Giles, Cripplegate, Fore Street, (Barbican), City of London
Mander 2008
East End Organ built as part of the International Organ School Project
Open Diapason - 8
Stopped Diapason - 8
Principal - 4
Fifteenth - 2
Mixture - IV
Trumpet - 8
Gedackt - 8
Principal - 4
Chimney Flute - 4
Recorder - 2
Sesquialtera - II
Oboe - 8
Bourdon - 16
Principal - 8 from Great
Trumpet - 8 from Great
Swell to Great
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Manual: C - a''' 58 notes
Pedal: C - f' 30 notes straight & concave
6 thumb pistons to Great
6 thumb pistons to Swell
8 general pistons
Thumb pistons for Great to Pedal; Swell to Pedal, and Swell to Great
6 toe pistons to Great
6 toe pistons to Swell (switchable to generals)
Toe pistons to Great to Pedal and Swell to Great
Great & Pedal combs coupled
64 level capture system and sequencer with toe and thumb piston activation
Control switch for special features to include audio stop read-out for blind players
Identifying rings on stop shanks for flues, reeds & mixtures
Adjustable music rest, bench and other features designed to make organ accessible to those with disabilities
Balanced swell pedal
A 10" x 8" colour photograph or high resolution image is available from the original. Please contact us for further details