St. Peter and St. Paul, Barnham Broom, Norfolk
James Corps, Norwich, 1850. Said to have been a barrel and finger organ (Boston & Langwill, Church and Chamber Barrel Organs). Now finger only
All pipes enclosed in a general swell except where noted
Diapason Bass - 8' GG to F# (open wood pipes unenclosed)
Open Diapason - 8' G - f '''
Stopt Diapason Tenor - 8' G - f#
Stopt Diapason Treble - 8' g - f ''' (Clarabella)
Flute - 4' g - f '''
Principal - 4' GG - BB stopped pipes
Fifteenth - 2' g - f ''' added September 1999 by Boggis in place of
Keraulophon 8'
Pedal Coupler
manual: GG - f3 59 notes (includes G#)
pedal: C - f ' 30 notes straight
mechanical key and stop action
lever swell pedal
electric blowing (hand blowing lever still present)

A 10" x 8" colour photograph or high resolution image is available from the original. Please contact us for further details