St. Mary the Virgin, Hillington, Norfolk
Johannes Snetzler 1756
For the music gallery of the Duke of Bedford
Moved to Christ Church, Westminster then to
The National Society Training School
G.M. Holdich 1857, erected at Hillington
W. & A. Boggis, Diss 1956 overhauled with
18 pedal notes added together with a Pedal coupler and new pedalboard
Open Diapason - 8
Chimney Flute - 8 bass from Choir St. Diapason below fiddle G
Principal - 4
Twelfth - 2 2/3
Fifteenth - 2
Sesquialtera - III
Stopt Diapason Bass - 8
Stopt Diapason Treble - 8
Gamba - 8, enclosed, from fiddle G
Dulciana - 8, enclosed, from fiddle G
Flute Treble - 4
Flute Bass - 4
Bourdon - 16
Great to Pedal
Manual: GG - e''' 57 notes
Pedal: C - f' 30 notes
Tracker action to manuals
Pneumatic and electropneumatic to pedals
Lever swell pedal to Dulciana and Gamba (in separate nagshead swellbox)
Electric Blowing
Additional Notes:
A notice in the church records, "The Hillington Church Organ. This organ was built by Snetzler in 1756. It has a dulcimer stop invented by him. The organ was built for a ... Duke of Bedford for his musical gallery. Afterwards it was at Christ Church, Westminster and then at the National Society's Training College, after which it was bought by Holdech (sic) the organ builder from whom it was purchased for Hillington Church where it was erected in 1857 almost in its original state...the keys are black and the sharps white. £20 worth of bass [pedals?] was added when it was placed in Hillington Church by Mr. Holdech (sic)."

A 10" x 8" colour photograph or high resolution image is available from the original. Please contact us for further details