Temple Methodist Church, Taunton, Somerset
James Philpott (ex-Willis), Exeter 1878, cost £1000. Price included burnished tin façade pipes and several of the reed stops from France. It is thought some pipes from the previous instrument were used.
Osmond ca. 1890:
tremulant to Swell organ
Osmond 1926:
organ cleaned and Pedal organ put on pneumatic action
Osmond 1951:
Swell organ put on pneumatic action with octave coupler;
Choir Bell Gamba replaced with String Gamba
Osmond 1961:
organ cleaned and renovated; Pedal organ put on electropneumatic action and Acoustic Bass 32' added; lever swellpedal replaced with balanced swellpedal. Casefront reinforced.
Michael Farley 1992:
Bourdon - 16
Open Diapason - 8
Violin Diapason - 8 from G
Clarabella - 8
Principal - 4
Harmonic Flute - 4
Twelfth - 2?
Fifteenth - 2
Mixture - III 17.19.22
Trumpet - 8
Bourdon - 16
Open Diapason - 8
Stopped Diapason - 8
Salicional - 8
Vox Angelica - 8 from c
Principal - 4
Piccolo - 2
Mixture - III 17.19.22
Contra Oboe - 16 (Oboe transposed, post 1970)
Cornopean - 8
Clarion - 4
Stopped Diapason - 8
Dulciana - 8
String Gamba - 8 (replaced Bell Gamba)
Gemshorn - 4
Wald Flute - 4
Flageolet - 2
Corno di Bassetto - 8
Acoustic Bass - 32
Open Diapason - 16 wood
Violone - 16
Bourdon - 16
Principal - 8
Violoncello - 8
Swell octave
Swell suboctave
Swell to Great
Swell to Choir
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Choir to Pedal
manual: C - g ''' 56 notes
pedal: C - e ' 29 notes
tracker action to Great and Choir
electropneumatic action to Swell?
mechanical stop action throughout except pedal 32'
three combination levers each to Great and Swell
balanced swellpedal
electric blowing
A 10" x 8" colour photograph or high resolution image is available from the original. Please contact us for further details