North Yorkshire, Giggleswick School Chapel
Henry Willis 1901
Henry Willis IV 1961
J.W. Walker 1976
Gary Owens 2006
Case by Thomas Jackson
Bourdon - 16 2006
Open Diapason - 8 1901
Wald Flute - 8 1901
Gamba - 8 2006
Principal - 4 1901
Flûte Harmonique - 4 2006
Fifteenth - 2 1961
Mixture - III 1976
Trumpet - 8 2006
Violin Diapason - 8 1901
Lieblich Flute - 8 1901
Viola da Gamba - 8 1901
Vox Angelica - 8 2006
Gemshorn - 4 1961
Sesquialtera - III 2006
Contra Oboe - 16 1901/2006
Cornopean - 8 1901
Oboe - 8 1901
Gedackt - 8 1901
Nason - 4 1961
Nazard - 2 2/3 1961
Piccolo - 2 1901
Tierce - 1 3/5 1961
Clarinet - 8 1901
Trumpet - 8 2006 from Great
Clarion - 4 2006 " "
Sub Bass - 32 2006
Violone - 16 1901
Bourdon - 16 1901
Principal - 8 1961
Bass Flute - 8 1901
Fifteenth - 4
Octave Flute - 4
Contra Trombone - 32 2006
Contra Oboe - 16 from Swell
Trombone - 16 from Contra Trombone
Trumpet - 8 2006 " "
Clarion - 4 2006 " "
Swell to Pedal
Swell to Great
Swell to Choir
Swell suboctave
Swell Superoctave
Swell unison off
Choir to Great
Choir to Pedal
Great to Pedal
6 thumb pistons to Swell
6 thumb pistons to Great
6 thumb pistons to Choir
6 toe pistons to Pedal
6 toe pistons to Swell
6 General pistons
6 General Pistons on Swell Toe Pistons
Capture system - 16 channels, 96 steps per channel
Great & Pedal Pistons Coupled
Gt to Pd toe piston
Ch to Gt thumb piston
Sw to Gt thumb piston
Sw to Ch thumb piston
Gt to Ped thumb piston
Sw to Ped thumb piston
Ch to Ped thumb piston
General Cancel
Setter piston for capture system
Balanced Swell Pedal (mechanical)
Electric blowing
A 10" x 8" colour photograph or high resolution image is available from the original. Please contact us for further details